History of The Finger

The bird is the word

The bird is the word.

A brief history of the finger

What is the finger?

It is the digitus medius, digitus tertius, digitus impudicus, digitus infamis, the third finger, or simply the middle finger. More importantly it is the finger we use to express our displeasure with our fellow man.

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Enjoyable T. Rex Facts

Close up of Sue

Close up of “Sue” T. rex replica skull at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago.
Photo by Scott Robert Anselmo

Enjoy 26 facts about Tyrannosaurus rex

  1. Barnum Brown, assistant curator of the American Museum of Natural History, found the first partial skeleton of Tyrannosaurus rex in eastern Wyoming in 1900.
  2. Henry Fairfield Osborn, president of the American Museum of Natural History, named the Tyrannosaurus rex in 1905. Tyrannosaurus rex means Tyrant Lizard King. It is from the Greek tyrannos (tyrant) and sauros (lizard). Rex means king in latin.
  3. T. rex lived in what is now western North America. Tyrannosaurus rex specimens have been found from Saskatchewan to New Mexico.
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History of HCFC

That is in fact some corn

Yep, that’s some corn.

A brief history of high fructose corn syrup

What is High Fructose Corn Syrup?

HFCS is a liquid fructose-glucose sweetener made from corn that is commonly substituted for sugar in processed foods. It was introduced in the US food supply in 1970 due to escalating cane and beet sugar costs. Those costs have remained high because of US tariffs on sugar and corn farming subsidies, which has made HFCS cheaper to use than traditional sugars.

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